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MyCreds™ | MesCertif™ Badging Showcase

10 July, 2024

Join us for an exciting demonstration of new badging functionality now available in ARUCC’s MyCreds™ | MesCertif™. Discover the benefits available through Release 2.4.3, including interoperability, Badge Extensions, and more, providing you with integrated services to add significant value to your organization and enhance your microcredentials strategy.

Our badging capability adheres to the Open Badges standard governed by 1EdTech, ensuring portability and credibility of any badges issued through MyCreds™ | MesCertif™. This feature is part of the comprehensive suite of verifiable credential services offered by MyCreds™ | MesCertif™, allowing learners to seamlessly access their badges, microcredentials, and other official documents.  

This session will be conducted in English with a Q & A session in English and French.
Bilingual resources and a recording will be available following the session.

Register today for one of the following dates: