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Morning Sessions

February 28 in the Atrium of the Barrett Centre for Technology Innovation at Humber College North Campus.

8:00-9:00am - Registration and Continental Breakfast

A light continental breakfast will be provided and staff will be on hand to demonstrate the new Verifiable Credential Capacity and answer questions about MyCreds™.

Location: Atrium

9:00-9:30am - Welcome and Opening Remarks

Indigenous Welcome

Opening remarks

  • Annik Gélineau, Board Chair, Association of Registrars of the Universities and Colleges of Canada (ARUCC); University Registrar, Université de Montréal – Biography, LinkedIn
  • Natalie Pierre, Legislative Assembly of Ontario; Parliamentary Assistant to the Minister of Colleges and Universities;
    Member, Standing Committee on Social Policy – Biography, LinkedIn
  • Charmaine Hack, ARUCC MyCreds™ Project Board Chair; Vice President, Strategic Enrollment Management, Centennial College – Biography, LinkedIn

Location: Atrium

9:30-10:30am - Keynote Address

The role of micro-credential strategies in achieving workforce mobility and tackling the skills gap

Dr Claire Barber is the founder and CEO of MATTR, a company focused on creating a new type of freedom through trusted digital interactions.  With over 20 years of international experience in technology and operational roles, Claire has seen first-hand the real life challenges people face when technology doesn’t work for them.  MATTR was founded with a focus on solving some of the historically difficult challenges of security, privacy and digital trust.

Join this keynote address to hear Claire’s perspective on how innovative technologies can be aligned with broader sector and government goals to enhance efficiencies, advance privacy and support a vibrant and active economy.  Claire will talk about the benefits collaboration, the importance of designing for inclusivity and how the next generation of digital identity standards, designed for interoperability, can help us to build bridges, break traditional data silos and advance opportunities for citizens.  Sharing examples, she will provide an international perspective on how micro credentials and digital wallets can be supported and evolved at the system level and across institutional and industry boundaries to enable mobility and access to jobs and education.  Expect Claire to ask for your help on this mission as we work together to ensure the people have better access to and control of their personal data and we can all enjoy the convenience and confidence of a new type of freedom through digital trust.

Location: Atrium

10:30-10:45am - Networking Break

Networking Opportunity

Join your colleagues in a networking event with light refreshments and opportunities to ask the schools and the MyCreds™ team about the platform.

Location: Atrium

10:45-12:00pm - Showcasing VSP Colleges and Universities - Panel 1

Community of Practice Panel 1

Join this panel session to hear how five Ontario schools have adapted their practices to support delivery of badges and micro-credentials through MyCreds™.

Ontario Virtual Skills Passport colleges, universities and Indigenous Institute – Press Release

Special Guest Panelist:

Luke has had a “free-range” career being focused on technology in a variety of capacities over the last decade. His experience spans from startup ventures to serving governments and major enterprises with innovative technology solutions.

A founding member of the MATTR team, Luke has led the design vision that underpins MATTR’s approach to product, ensuring we have been grounded in the principles of interoperability and separation of concerns from the outset. His inbuilt approach of “strong opinions loosely held” means he is constantly driving innovation through thoughtful, dynamic and open conversations.

Luke’s breadth of understanding of decentralised capabilities, coupled with his innovative approach, are foundational to his success in delivering solutions that work for customers.

Panel Host Facilitator:

  • Joanne Duklas, ARUCC MyCreds Executive Lead; Senior Consultant, Duklas Cornerstone Consulting Inc. – Biography, LinkedIn

Location: Atrium

12:00-1:00pm Networking Lunch

Break time!

Join your colleagues in a networking lunch.

ARUCC MyCreds™, Digitary, and MATTR staff will be on hand to demonstrate the system and showcase the platform and Verifiable Credential capabilities.

Location: Atrium

Afternoon sessions

1:15-2:15 pm - Breakout Sessions

Choose your session!

Location for all breakouts: 5th floor Barrett Centre

Breakout Session 1 – Comprehensive Micro-credential Digitization Strategies to Advance Learner Access to Virtual Wallets  

Join this session to engage in a policy level discussion on the considerations for developing a comprehensive micro-credential digitization strategy to advance learner access to virtual wallets. Creating a framework and bridging systems, policies and practices requires enabling interoperable collaboration and technology. While not easy to do at scale, these presenters will explore promising approaches to advance full portability of credentials for learners.   Ideal for academics, institutional and government leadership.

Session welcome by:

  • Kelly Jackson, Vice President, External Affairs & Professional Learning, Humber College – Biography, LinkedIn


Breakout Session 2 – Next Generation Interoperable Data Standards for Digital Credential Sharing  

The MyCreds™ innovation path started by enabling the leap from paper to digital and creating a trusted sharing network for academic credentials. It is now on track for the next significant leap into Verifiable Credentials (“VC”) and Self Sovereignty Identity (“SSI”) development. Join this discussion about the state of the global digital trust ecosystem and the approaching reality of being able to carry our many identifying credentials in one place – a portable virtual wallet. Ideal for digital programmers and developers, IT and PIA professionals.

Session welcome by:

  • Sherry Gosselin, Registrar (Interim) & Chief Business Intelligence Officer, Fleming College – LinkedIn


Breakout Session 3 – Open Standards for Micro-Credentials and Beyond   

The Virtual Skills Passport Pilot is focused on the micro-credentialing use case but its scope will pave the way for advancing interoperability more broadly across a variety of future use cases. Join us to contribute to the ongoing conversation on the evolution of PESC standards aimed at aligning national XML standards in Canada.  Ideal for registrarial and IT professionals.   

Session welcome by:

Adam Dusome, Registrar, Niagara College – Biography, LinkedIn


  • Bert van der Geest, Regional North American Director, Digitary by Parchment, LinkedIn
  • Doug Holmes, Co-Chair, Canadian Postsecondary Electronic Standards Council (CanPesc); Manager, eTranscripts, Ontario Universities’ Application Centre (OUAC) – LinkedIn

2:15-2:30pm - Networking Break

Networking Opportunity

Join your colleagues in a networking event with light refreshments and opportunities to ask the schools and the MyCreds™ team about the platform.

Location: Atrium

2:30-3:30pm - Showcasing VSP Colleges and Universities

Community of Practice – Panel 2

Join this panel session to hear how our Ontario schools have adapted their practices to support delivery of badges and micro-credentials through MyCreds™.

Ontario Virtual Skills Passport colleges, universities and Indigenous Institute – Press Release

Special Guest Panelist:

  • Dr. Adrienne Galway, Executive Director, Ontario Council on Articulation and Transfer (ONCAT) – LinkedIn

Dr. Adrienne Galway is a distinguished senior leader in postsecondary education. Her career includes work in program development and quality assurance, public relations and communications, federal and provincial government relations and strategic partnerships.

Prior to joining ONCAT, Dr. Galway spent over 10 years serving in several senior positions at George Brown College — most recently as the Associate Vice-President of Government and External Relations. Before joining George Brown, she served as the Senior Advisor to the Minister of Training, Colleges, and Universities and as the Education Policy Advisor to the Leader of the Official Opposition of the Government of Ontario. She has taught political science, Canadian studies and education policy at the University of Toronto and the State University of New York at Buffalo and has extensive experience working with and serving on governance boards in the university, college and not-for-profit sectors.

Panel Host Facilitator:

  • Joanne Duklas, ARUCC MyCreds™ Executive Lead; Senior Consultant, Duklas Cornerstone Consulting Inc. – Biography, LinkedIn

Location: Atrium

3:30-4pm - Pulling the Threads Together

Join this plenary as we pull together the threads of learnings from the day.

Plenary Facilitators:

  • Charmaine Hack, ARUCC MyCreds™ Project Board Chair; Vice President, Strategic Enrollment Management, Centennial College – Biography, LinkedIn
  • Dr. Claire Barber, CEO, MATTR – LinkedIn

Location: Atrium

4-4:20 - Closing Remarks

MyCreds™ – Moving Forward

  • Charmaine Hack, ARUCC MyCreds™ Project Board Chair; Vice President, Strategic Enrollment Management, Centennial College – Biography, LinkedIn
  • Romesh Vadivel, ARUCC Board Director for the MyCredsTM National Network | Associate Director, Faculty of Arts OASIS, McGill University – LinkedIn

Location: Atrium